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Truth Is Just a Faction of Reality
New April 2010 -
NOW PLAYING: Iona Miller's TAVISTOCK AGENDA - Cryptoporticus Documentary Movie #1
"The Mother of All Think Tanks," Tavistock tentacles form holographic feedback loops, backdoors and wormhole shortcuts among cultural institutions. Each can be unpacked for their associations and effects on society - Intelligence, Military, Government, NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist. Tavistock took the healing genius of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.WEBSITE: http://tavistockagenda.iwarp.com
"...eerily mesmerizing..." "...the only way out is through." "...now we can see how deep the rabbit hole goes."
NOW PLAYING: YouTube: "Iona Miller's PSYCHOGENESIS" Art Show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc6r8BLyGBQ
NOW PLAYING: MRU Paranormal R&D 1973-2000
Video - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/video/video.php?v=217158356595
Background http://mankindresearchunlimited.iwarp.com
AUGUST 2010 GREEN EGG MAGAZINE - "Blinded by the DMT Light"
JUNE 2010 GREEN EGG MAGAZINE - "Dodecahedral Universe"
DMT is implicated in the wild imaginings of our nightly dreams, near-death phenomena (NDEs), alien abduction experiences, and dream yoga. It is also a source of visionary phenomena in therapy, such as unusual psychophysical states attained in waking dreams, shamanic or psychotherapeutic journeys. Synthetic and botanical DMT crosses the blood-brain barrier and bonds to the same synaptic sites as serotonin. Psychedelic chemist, Sasha Shulgin claims, “DMT is everywhere.”Each night in dreams we experience an essentially psychedelic state. The principal difference between dreams and hallucinations is the way the stages of wakefulness are organized, with the suppression of REM sleep and the intrusion of PGO waves in the arousal (waking) stage and in NREM (or slow) sleep. The stages include: waking (arousal) stage, stage of PGO waves, hallucination stage, sleep stage and hallucinatory manifestations. The waking dream eliminates “residues” stirred up by the PGO wave pattern in the absence of REM sleep. These visions resemble those at the approach of death, or what are called near death experiences (NDEs). In another context, they are perceived as visions. They include the characteristics of two phases of NDEs (Sabom, 1982): Autoscopic phase includes 1) subjective feeling of being dead; 2) peace and well-being; 3) disembodiment; 4) visions of material objects and events. The Transcendental phase includes 5) tunnel or dark zone; 6) evaluation of one’s past life; 7) light; 8) access to a transcendental world, entering in light; 9) encounter with other beings; 10) return to life.
But Strassman cautions those who take his initial research too literally: 5-7-2010 I am surprised at how many people assume that the conjecture in my book about whether the pineal makes DMT, has actually been established as fact. *If* DMT were made in the pineal, it would tie a lot of loose ends together. But, we don't know if DMT does appear in the pineal. The same has happened regarding my wondering if endogenous DMT activity increases during particular non-drug altered states, such as dreams and near-death experiences. We don't know if that's true. If it were, it would help explain the psychedelic characteristics of those altered states. A new assay for low levels of endogenous DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenine, and metabolites is being developed at LSU. We'll be looking at endogenous levels of these compounds in different tissues, different species, and different groups of people. Hopefully we'll get some answers within the next year or two. The Cottonwood Research Foundation site (www.cottonwoodresearch.org) could be more up-to-date. However, the section on the assay is more current and was written by Steve Barker at LSU, who's supervising the PhD student, Ethan McIlhenny. READ ARTICLE: http://ionamiller.weebly.com/pineal-dmt.html
“An analysis of astronomical data suggests not only that the universe is finite, but also that it has a specific, rather rigid topology (dodecahedral sphere). If confirmed, this is a major discovery about the nature of the universe.” -George F. R. Ellis, “The Shape of the Universe,” Nature, Vol 425, October 9, 2003
Recent discoveries by French cosmologists have led them to believe that the universe is finite with a regular dodecahedral or soccer-ball shape, which is omnitriangulated and omnisymmetrical with 20 vertices. This contrasts markedly with the flat, infinite “Standard Model”. But it has interesting reflections in the sacred geometries of Magick.
Spring 2010: PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader (Volume 1) containing the same cutting edge political commentary, interviews, paranormal and UFO articles, fringe ideas and Paranotes. Each volume will be like a double issue of the magazine! Size is approximately 140 pages - no subscriptions available. $17 US. http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/volume1.html Preview - http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/PDFs/vol1_highlights.pdf ******** COMING SOON (Spring 2010) ZORA VON BURDEN interviews Iona Miller, "From Underground to Under Cover" in WOMEN OF THE UNDERGROUND: ART - Cultural Innovators Speak for Themselves Cultural Innovators Speak for Themselves “It is not about provocation, reaction or even invocation, it is about transformation: mentally and physically.”—Marina Abramovic, artist “Art is subjective, and if one sees something in an image, that projection is a reflection of the spectator, who sees what he or she wants to see, whose critique is relevant to him or herself, exposing his or her own perversions.”—Irina Ionesco, artist Until the late twentieth century, women’s creative skills were relegated to craft and decorative arts, and valued only for utilitarian purposes in service to others and the manufacturing of products to benefit society. After enduring the great injustice of being denied the freedom that self-expression brings through art for the joy of the human spirit, Women of the Underground: Art celebrates those female cultural innovators who are creating new artwork that pushes boundaries, dares to question, and redefines the genres of mixed media; theater; film; photography; and visual, conceptual, and performance art. In this groundbreaking anthology that will inspire artists and everyone interested in alternatives to mainstream culture, as well as serve as a reference book for art historians, twenty-six female artists describe their ideas, beginnings, influences, and creative techniques. Contains interviews with Lady Pink, Marina Abramovic, Orlan, Aleksandra Mir, Iona Miller, Penny Arcade, Johanna Went, the Guerrilla Girls, and many others. Editor Zora von Burden was born and raised in San Francisco, California. A frequent contributor to The San Francisco Herald, von Burden also wrote the screenplay for Geoff Cordner’s underground cult classic film, Hotel Hopscotch. ******** COMING SOON: Bleeding Edge - Antibothis Occulture Journal, Vol. III, (Portugal) "Manifest Destiny Manifesto" (Iona also appeared in Vol.I) John Zerzan, Joe Ambrose, Ray Kurzweill, Earth First, Stewart Home, Z..ev, Aki Nawaz (Fun-Da-Mental) , Terre Thaemlitz, Crimethinc, Nigel Ayers (nocturnal emissions), Lob, Monochron (vienna art group), B-Eden (pyromania arts, ex:psychic warriors ov gaia), Aragorn 23, Tactical Art Coalition, FoolishPeople, Randall Pike, Tom McCarthy, Ewen Chardronnet, Transnational Republic, SocialFiction, Iona Miller, Chad Hensley, Adi Newton (Clock Dva), Robin Rimbaud ( Scanner ), among many others. THE UNINVITED STATES OF AMERICA
The Long Crisis, PsyStrat & Tavistock Agenda RevealedWorldview Warfare -- Is popularity the ultimate coup?
By Iona Miller, 10/2009
Zora von Burden (Editor)
Scheduled for the cd compilation included in the book: Master Musicians of Joujouka, Kawabata Makoto (acid mothers temple), Post Human Tantra, Astro (hiroshi hasegawa) Gjoll, Ewen Chardronnet, among many others.
Twisted, Deadly & Dark...

GOD NEVER SLEEPS Film Trilogy, Iona Miller, 2010
A High-Concept, Plot-based Film Trilogy on GOD -- Gold, Oil & Drugs
by Iona Miller, (c) 2010
TRIANGLE OF POWER: Today, three major forces collude to control the world - Intelligence, Mega-Criminal Enterprise, and the Power Elite. They are related to one another in draconian ways. They are GOD - Gold, Oil and Drugs. Thus, we are fighting for GOD. "In GOD We Trust." But it's too late to trust a god whose profitable name is WAR. SPY 1099 teams -- "Spy in the Box" -- work for all factions from governments to transnational corpoglomerates and mega-criminal enterprise. All are trumped by clandestine machinations of the Power Elite and their hidden agenda.
Part 1 - TWISTED DESCENT: Spy 1099 OIL -- "Lions for Lambs" (2007) meets "The Recruit" (2003) A stand-alone film that can be franchised into a SPY 1099 trilogy. An international thriller based on Outsourcing in today's transnational Intelligence Community.
The SPY 1099 team fights corrupt governments and the mysterious G.O.D.S. in the Caribbean to keep cheap oil flowing. Opening credits takes us in a slow slide down the crooked shaft of a newly-drilled oil well, which makes a TWISTED DESCENT through the ocean floor to the buried treasure of light oil, foreshadowing our own "twisted descent" into the underworld of our protagonists, the Spy 1099 group. Hired for 'risk management' of the Cuba-Haiti oil exploration, they soon discover the main risk is the G.O.D.S. at the top of the food-chain -- their own employers' clandestine involvement in global drugs, money laundering, and black gold trade.
Rival factions and governments collude in transnational criminal enterprise. Tricksters trick tricksters and Watchers watch the Watchers. Each struggles with conflicting moral problems. Pressured from all sides by conflicting desires, loyalties in the "Spy in the Box" group are compromised and divided in the process. Heroes and opponents do an intricate dance, sometimes switching roles with 7-10 major reveals. A complex sequence of tricks surprises not only the opposition, but also the audience.
Spy games and operations are outsourced to private contractors, who subcontract more independent contractors. They have penetrated the CIA and the moonlighting CIA has penetrated them, changing the Rules of Engagement. Multinational corporation and crime organizations lurk in the shadows and in the well-lit haunts of the Power Elite. Their operations are clandestine, but we have "a need to know" more.
Sometimes the relatively unbelievable turns out to be true. The SPY 1099 team battles rival factions, seemingly against all odds. Perhaps as much as 50% of CIA work is outsourced. In 2010, 188,000 contractors outnumber full-time workers at Homeland Security. Congress calls it "unacceptable, untenable and unsustainable." But it is a runaway trend impossible to halt. Private security contractors also backup the military and US overseas interests.
Haiti and Cuba is the setting; oil is the prize. Since the transfer of power from Fidel to Raúl Castro in 2006, China is backing the widening of the Panama Canal for supertankers with capacity of a million barrels of crude oil and liquified natural gas. That, in turn, will open new routes whereby oil and mineral resources from West Africa can be taken directly to China -- deepening political bonds that Beijing has carefully fostered in that region.
The same dynamic bolsters China's influence in the Caribbean, expected to develop as a storage hub for oil before it heads west through the canal and on to China. Economists at Goldman Sachs believe that the new canal could play a pivotal role in its Bric (Brazil, Russia, India, China) investment story -- as a channel more directly linking the Chinese and Brazilian markets.
The Cold War has become a tightly wound COILED war - covert action for oil rights. The state-owned Cuban oil company says the country may have more than 20bn barrels of oil in its offshore fields - more than double the previous estimate. Oil exports are now Cuba's second leading export. Meanwhile the G.O.D.S. (GoldOilDrugs Syndicate) observe from their global sanctuaries.
PART 2 - DEADLY DEVIATION: Spy 1099 DRUGS -- "Who Killed John O'Neill" meets "Air America". Global Drug Meta-Groups. Global drug trade is called "the mother of all conspiracies." Drugs are at the core of the underground economy ruled by the "Overground." Power exists, even if the term conspiracy is overused. Conspiracy seems to suggest there are no rival powerful factions, which of course isn't true.
ConsPIRACY: Evil exists, power exists, greed exists on a macro level. Money laundering in the billions can and has been used to fund global terrorism, including bioterrorism. Krull Assoc. is CIA privatized intelligence and industrialized espionage. An exploitive Dark Alliance does, indeed, exist, that does not stop at the mega-drug dealers. Water issues in Latin America and the Caribbean are an under-appreciated challenge that could have major strategic consequences for the future health and sustainable growth of the Western Hemisphere. Tapped out drought striken Caribbean countries now have water police officers, deployed to ensure that consumers adhere to water rationing measures.
PART 3 - DARK SUITS: Spy 1099 GOLD --
"Eyes Wide Shut" (1996) meets "Wall Street 2" (2010). Without empathy, the 'dark suits' manipulate and declare the wars and devastate the economies of target countries to line their own pockets. Dark Suits have set themselves up as a Dark Nobility, Olympian "Gods" living on mountains of Gold, Oil and Drugs. The Bush family made their money in Oil & Drugs. Queen Victoria made her money in Drugs. The Rothchilds made their money in all three Gold, Oil and Drugs. But a reckoning is coming.
STORY OUTLINES available on request for qualified investors.