THE CRYPTOPORT 2010: In ancient Roman architecture, a "cryptoporticus" was a labyrinthine underground passage connecting all aspects of cultural life. Only partially at groundlevel, it supports a vast concealed architecture that communicates in secret among its numerous different centers. It is a matrix of nexus points. Many examples are found across Europe, but similar tunnels exist throughout Washington D.C. Literally, carved in stone, such large underground passageways are analogous to today's underground bases, SAC, hardened survival bunkers, book depositories, archives, seed vaults, etc. The labyrinthine convolutions of today's challenges mean we need to learn how to make our way through this tangled maze to "the Light at the end of the tunnel." These holographic or virtual tunnels can be 'mined' for their informational value, helping us choose which way to go.
CRYPTOPORTICUS PRODUCTIONS is a transmedia venture, dedicated to revealing such underground connections among the control mechanisms of modern society. The cryptoporticus is also a vault in which are stored the secrets of cultural continuity - a failsafe for human survival technology.
We produce short socially-responsible documentaries on a variety of subjects about which we have first-hand knowledge. We demonstrate the value of such insider POV (points of view), and can direct and consult with production companies wishing to co-adventure, taking our content, proprietary knowledge and expertise to the next level of development and marketing. We have many rich themes ready for development. We are open to artistic and technical collaborations in visionary telecommunications, upon request and review. Our aim is social impact programming that awakens us, gives our beliefs a reality-check, and move us toward proactive change from the grassroots to global level.
NOW PLAYING - DRAGON TREASURES OF SAINT GERMAIN Find out about the Dragon lineage, Deep Time, Dragon Precession and 2012, and the nature of Immortality. The Dragon is the symbolic superstar of Saint Germain's secret grimoire. Find out why and what it means. St. Germain had The Secret, a legacy of Manly Palmer Hall and his Philosophical Research Society (PRS). It was the supreme treasure of his vault. It now resides in the Getty Research Institute, likewise deep in their library vaults. Revealed here are unseen photos of the sigils, emblems and ciphers of the book.
This master adept, called the wisest in Europe, reserved his greatest gift, the two books he wrote, for his wisest companions. St. Germaine recorded his version of The Secret to health, wealth and long life in his legendary TRIANGLE BOOK, and apparently made copies for his closest circle of initiates. But, perhaps even then, the entire secret was never entrusted to a single individual, as the copies of the book are not identical, containing different illustrations.
We might deduce that to properly work the formulae in the book, one required the Emblems and Sigils it described. Is this why Manly Palmer Hall possessed two copies of the book, each with different glyphs? It begs the point, were there other copies with even more illustrations required to initiate the whole current -- to attain magical immortality?
The TRIANGLE BOOK (or Triangular Book) differs from many alchemical texts in its language, being more of a ritual invocation than a recipe. Naturally, St. Germain made marvelous plant and herbal medicines (spagyrics) but this book is not about that but about the qualitative Universal Medicine. Meditation is required for all spiritual pursuits, including alchemy, qabalah and magic.
What we know is that both St. Germain and Manly Palmer Hall lived to a ripe old age and remained mentally vibrant, each a great adept of his own era. Can this obscure arcane text -- one of the rarest occult manuscripts -- be the secret of their longevity? The book is alleged to be Egyptian in origin. MPH, himself, can be seen with the book in the frontpiece portrait in his FREEMASONRY OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS.
Here, for possibly the first time ever, the text translation appears publically with the withheld 5 illustrations of the two copies. Even in the originals, it is difficult to make out the precise glyphs of the sigils, but arguably their magical potency is intact. Sigils and emblems often contain hidden meanings, since they are a visual shorthand which can be "read" for their symbolism. Carl Jung used this method as the traditional basis of his alchemically inspired psychology.
TAVISTOCK AGENDA REVEALED - Cryptoporticus Documentary #1 "...eerily mesmerizing..." They wind you up because they know what makes you tick. Tavistock Clinic studied shellshock (post-traumatic stress) in WWI but switched to developing psychological warfare in 1922. Rather than helping traumatized soldiers, it calculated their breaking points. Tavistock shock doctrine now permeates global life. Their social engineers are a Who’s Who: Freud, Jung, Adler, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Edward Bernays, Eric Trist, A.K. Rice, Eric Miller, Aldous Huxley, R.D. Laing, and more.
- OPERATION CYANIDE: Attack on the USS Liberty On June 8, 1967, at the height of the Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors, Israeli air and naval forces attacked the USS Liberty, an intelligence-collection ship in the service of Israel’s closest ally, while that vessel steamed in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. The Israelis killed 34 Americans, wounded 171, and nearly sank the ship. Dozens of theories exist about what happened that day. Official inquiries conducted in both the United States and Israel attributed the event to faulty communications and tragic error, but survivors remain outspoken and not alone in their belief that the Israelis acted deliberately.
NOW PLAYING: TAVISTOCK AGENDA - Cryptoporticus Documentary #1
New April 2010 -
- Now Playing - Saint Germain & the Dragon!/video/video.php?v=382431296595
Dragon Precession, Dragon Comet, Dragon Deluge, Dragon Bloodline
This master adept, called the wisest in Europe, reserved his greatest gift, the two books he wrote, for his wisest companions. St. Germaine recorded his version of The Secret to health, wealth and long life in his legendary TRIANGLE BOOK, and apparently made copies for his closest circle of initiates. But, perhaps even then, the entire secret was never entrusted to a single individual, as the copies of the book are not identical, containing different illustrations.
We might deduce that to properly work the formulae in the book, one required the Emblems and Sigils it described. Is this why Manly Palmer Hall possessed two copies of the book, each with different glyphs? It begs the point, were there other copies with even more illustrations required to initiate the whole current -- to attain magical immortality?
The TRIANGLE BOOK (or Triangular Book) differs from many alchemical texts in its language, being more of a ritual invocation than a recipe. Naturally, St. Germain made marvelous plant and herbal medicines (spagyrics) but this book is not about that but about the qualitative Universal Medicine. Meditation is required for all spiritual pursuits, including alchemy, qabalah and magic.
What we know is that both St. Germain and Manly Palmer Hall lived to a ripe old age and remained mentally vibrant, each a great adept of his own era. Can this obscure arcane text -- one of the rarest occult manuscripts -- be the secret of their longevity? The book is alleged to be Egyptian in origin. MPH, himself, can be seen with the book in the frontpiec portrait in his FREEMASONRY OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS.
Here, for possibly the first time ever, the text translation appears publically with the withheld 5 illustrations of the two copies. Even in the originals, it is difficult to make out the precise glyphs of the sigils, but arguably their magical potency is intact. Sigils and emblems often contain hidden meanings, since they are a visual shorthand which can be "read" for their symbolism. Carl Jung used this method as the traditional basis of his alchemically inspired psychology.
- Now Playing - "The Triangle Book of St.-Germain"!/video/video.php?v=380528021595
St. Germain was an alchemist renown for his longevity and youthful appearance. Alchemy begins and ends in the quest for eternal life. It is a spiritual technology of rebirth using natural methods that in their effect transcend nature by amplifying that which is immortal within us. It does not exist in nature but must be prepared by Art. Art is a form of manifesting, making and objectifying the world - spiritual physics. Today, we might describe this resonance as accessing energy that regenerates the mindbody. Healing is an aspect of creativity; nature is within and without us. The Magus does not dominate reality but develops embodied psychophysical equilibrium, clarity, wisdom and compassion.
TAVISTOCK AGENDA - Cryptoporticus Documentary #1 by Iona Miller 12/2009
"NEED TO KNOW" - MANKIND RESEARCH UNLIMITED - MRU REVEALED: Cryptoporticus Productions documentary #2
1970s-2000 Psi R&D
OPERATION CYANIDE: The Poisoning of Liberty
Presenting at NATFE, Las Vegas, 2010:
Celebrating over 40 years of service to the ever-evolving global television industry, NATPE continues to redefine itself and the services it provides to meet the needs of its members. Today’s industry encompasses so much more today than ever before and NATPE has remained flexible in an effort to encourage and support the progress of the industry and all of the platforms it now serves. What has remained constant is NATPE’s commitment to keeping members apprised of the changes occurring daily in the global media environment.
NATPE implements our mission by providing members with education, networking, professional enhancement and technological guidance through year-round activities and events, timely directories. The organization also offers a full compliment of online services to its membership.
In addition the annual NATPE Conference & Exhibition is the only American program market serving the worldwide television community. This affordable three-day market and conference is recognized throughout the world as a key media event. If you buy, sell, develop, finance, advertise, market or license content; implement technology; exploit rights; or leverage media assets, the annual Conference & Exhibition is the best place to be for success today and growth tomorrow.
NATPE does not present program concepts to development executives; however, it does create opportunities for its members to meet and pitch ideas to development executives during several of the industry events it organizes.
NATPE does not serve as a clearinghouse for program concepts or ideas; however, it does publish a directory of companies and individuals involved in program creation, development and distribution and also provides links to other industry associations, trade publications and other organizations that could be helpful in researching and/or registering program ideas.
NATPE does not lobby in Washington, DC on behalf of its members. However, we do keep our members apprised of FCC rulings, regulations and congressional rule making through our Washington Report provided by Mickey Gardner of the Law Offices of Michael Gardner.
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