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HERE IS A MAP TO THE MOST IMPORTANT institutions and aspects of the CRYPTOCRACY.

Connect ALL the dots and find out who is directing our future, our lives and our wars.

The Power Behind the Throne


“Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse." --John Coleman

Former MI6 Intelligence officer John Coleman first exposed their covert activities with his insider knowledge in The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America: “The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, NATO, the Black Nobility, CFR and all of its affiliate organizations, the think tanks, and research institutes controlled by Stanford and … last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.”

Coleman includes the Eastern Liberal Establishment "aristocracy," its banks, insurance companies, giant corporations, petroleum cartels, foundations, communications networks, publishing houses, radio and television networks and the movie industry. Mission creep has penetrated organizations far beyond ‘the Tavi,’ and they are scripting our wars, our lives and our future.

