Draconian Utopia
CONSPIRACY 101 - Draconian Utopia, by Iona Miller March 2010, (5870 words)
What Are We Left With When ConsPIRACY Proves Right?
What Are We Left With When ConsPIRACY Proves Right?
By Iona Miller, March 2010
Geopolitical events have cast a deep pall across our lives. Social Insight is the Third Eye of the new Mystery. Only a top-down visionary perspective can begin to capture the Big Picture.
The formula "They have the power" may have its value politically; it does not do for an historical analysis. Power is not posessed, it acts in the very body and over the whole surface of the social field according to a system of relays, modes of connection, transmission, distribution, etc. Power acts through the smallest elements: the family, sexual relations, but also: residential relations, neighborhoods, etc. As far as we go in the social network, we always find power as something that "runs through" it, that acts, that brings about effects. It becomes effective or not, that is, power is always a definite form of momentary or constantly reproduced encounters among a definite number of individuals. Power is thus not posessed because it is "in play," because it risks itself. --Michel Foucault, Power, Truth, Strategy (1979)
We should admit...that power produces knowledge (and not simply by encouraging it because it serves power or by applying it because it is useful); that power and knowledge directly imply one another; that there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations. --Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish (1975)
ConsPIRACY 101: All that is Conspiracy is Not Theory
"During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
Formerly marginalized “Conspiracy Theory” has become mainstream through celebrity players such as Governor Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, Mike Ruppert, Art Bell and George Noory. They also meet their fans and colleagues on Facebook where virtually all interested parties congregate and "preach to the choir."
Multimedia corporations have also discovered there's gold in 'them thare conspiracies' or ithey wouldn't be producing these high profile stories which have been underground issues for years. Or, are conspiracy theorists infiltrating the media? Simultaneously, the government is attempting to outlaw all conspiracy theories, making those who believe them criminals -- terrorist enemies of the state. Reminiscent of the thoughtcrimes and blacklisting in by-gone eras, it sounds beyond Orwellian.
We might ask how we came to this paradox wherein the Overworld both promulgates and attacks dissent. In the end, it adds to the general confusion and obfuscation. Approximately 90 percent of the public now believes there was some kind of conspiracy to kill JFK. In the midst of "Climategate," elect-tricks and flu vaccine recalls, mainstream media is shamelessly profiteering from the pioneering efforts of veteran writers and media producers from the niche genre. Conspiracy was popularized by radio shows and publications such as "Coast to Coast," Nexus Magazine and the new edge zine Paranoia, which took off where the paranoid rants of Xander Korzybski left off in Mondo 2000.
The highlight of any drama is the reveal. “Conspiracy theory” is inherently revelatory and potentially salvific – but what constitutes “correct” and “incorrect” revelation? What ignorance does conspiracy save us from? And who is the arbiter of that consensus? Perhaps its greatest critique is that the genre offers few conclusive answers to its persistent questions and no adequate plan for the future.
Conspiracy does augment history with alternative views of the past that inform and mold the present, including the hidden history of propaganda -- mobilizing ideas and ideals. Without compelling belief, it leaves room for "the fringe." It is the collision of the esoteric and mundane. Both the Left and the Right have their versions of conspiracy, but 90% of radio is now under conservative control. More and more citizens are questioning official versions of controversial events.
Conspiracy is unimpressed with conventional logic. The world is corrupt. Theories are models of reality. Conspiracy isn't a utopian pursuit. Utopian religious sects have been typically introverted, even isolationist, and none have suggested the total transformation of worldly society. Eschatology -- ideas of ultimate human destiny -- do influence some streams of conspiracy theory - some religious and New Age thought and alien contact or Disclosure, in particular. Conspiracy isn't so much a movement as a variety of individuals lumped together under a term that becomes undefinable.
La Vida Ultra
But others would argue these belief sets themselve are systems of mass control -- fractal variations of MK Ultra mind control with its own narrative, symbols and ultimate truth. Cultural belief sets are used in intelligence for preparation of the battlefield, including the psyop of psychological warfare. The goal is to influence decision making and course of action.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP), Information Operations (IO), and the need to operationalize theories of human behavior facilitate computational modeling in support of military decisionmaking. So, we should look for these effects, no matter what we are being told about beliefs -- those that assist or undermine hidden mind control agendas.
A culture is a set of beliefs. Beliefs are dynamic expanding and contracting fields of embedded entrenchment and revisioned reality, depending on input. If conspiracy theories seem incoherent, that may be a product of their compartmentalization not their validity. Studies show that the more coherent a set of beliefs, the less likely they are to be true, especially when they are amplified for justification.
The price of coherence is truth. Such truth values are a function of the believer's state. We can shift attention among our various "belief worlds" when nothing is certain and things are not what they seem. The situation envisaged is impossible, because consistent belief sets cannot exist. They are conditional. Beliefs do not exist in isolation from other beliefs or from the experiences, inferences, and attributions that contribute to their formation.
Belief sets are modelled as "belief worlds." Conspiracy or conspirituality are the relevant communities. Conspiracy revitalizes the social responsibility belief set, "we belong, we care, we serve," whether dissent is patriotic, spiritual or humanistic. The belief set encourages a spirit, culture and practice of collaboration, teamwork and collegiality among all participants. Loyalty is the currency of belief.
Conspiracy doesn't seek the perfection of humankind or individuals, or even "self-development." But it does contend "the truth would set us free" to optimize what we have to work with by diminishing the exploitation of the many by the few, no matter who they are imagined to be. It is realists who worship the truth, no matter how ugly it is.
The "usual suspects" -- the puppetmasters of cryptocracy -- are well-heeled transnational interests. Perhaps today's biggest single issues are government cover ups, military and intelligence outsourcing, the electronic police state, and hidden agendas, including manipulation of religious and spiritual beliefs and other mass mind control. "Follow the money" is the mantra of these searchers.
"Conspiracy knowledge" should be distinguished from "conspiracy theories." Organized criminal enterprise, monopoly capitalists, technocracy, global drug mega-groups, underground economy, war profiteering, propaganda, population control, social engineering, false-flag operations, deliberate systemic fraud, spin-doctored records, and corporate feudalism needn't be categorically confused with incorrigible delusions, cryptozoology or paranormal phenomena. Sociopolitical conspiracies are a geopolitical fact, not fantasy or theory, even if this history is open to interpretation or suppressed.
Conspiracy embodies specialized knowledge about the field of power -- who has it, who manipulates it and how, and who doesn't. That field may or may not include an esoteric dimension. What we are really talking about is a field of relative points of view (POV) and competing beliefs and worldviews. There are many competing factions, old and new, but some are more relevant to today's challenges. The power of conspiracy is the power of the common cause, which cannot be overshadowed by conspiracy as a pop cult or trend.
Conspiracy buffs are accused of paranoia and obsession -- of being 'crazy' for not sticking their heads in the consensus sand. But we aren't talking about mental health, as much as a certain moral courage and competing philosophies and worldviews. There are many camps in conspiracy. Being in one of them doesn't imply belief in others. The biggest divide may be between sociopolitics and more specific "fringe" subjects from alien Disclosure, to anti-Darwinism, to parapsychology and a host of esoteric and purportedly scientific special interests and 'forbidden' knowledge. Those subjects have their own issues.
Big theories that supported society are crashng all around us in economic, environmental and warfare crises. We still indulge outdated worldviews. Conspiracy knowledge shatters the old grid of false representation. Power structures have become radically altered, leaving only simulations of reality. Power is reinforced by its false claim to reality with the language of crisis, forcibly exiling us from our national interests.
Perennial debates over technocratic utopia or scientific dictataorship argue one of the oldest themes in conspiracy. Hot button accelerating techology issues include 1) artificial intelligence and robotics, 2) nanotechnology, 3) biotechnology and bioinformatics, 4) medicine and human-machine interfaces, 5) networks and computing systems, 6) energy and environmental systems.
Yet, the promise of a "free-market Utopia has failed, edged out perhaps by dreams of a post-cataclysm society. It is natural to wonder about the roots of these thoughts which have become things - which make our world "matter." Conspiracy knows it is no enclave of perfection. There is occassional agreement among researchers, but even "official" conspiracy stories are often suspected to be disinformation.
The utopian trick is that we can embody and exemplify a more perfect reality. Paradoxically, the false promise of utopian ideals creates a gap in reality between what might be and what is -- including the rollback of Constitutional freedoms. The resultant dystopian society serves oligarchy. Utopia remains the 'progressive' realm of our dreams of peace and freedom -- the 'horizon of expectation' rather than the 'space of experience.' The net effect is most often ambivalence.
Utopian Subversion
Today we face a future far different than that predicted by any past futurists. In fact, the new physics has changed our self-image by changing our ideas about the very nature of reality and the origins of matter and the nature of material being, as well as our connections to Cosmos. It has changed the GROUND of our very being. We went searching for the ground of energy/matter and found an ephemeral dream -- a fractal hologram of embedded repeating scales of energetic nothingness. It has led to both an existential crisis and a promise of a perhaps miraculous future.
In 1555, Sir Thomas More coined 'Utopia' from Eutopia (Gr.'good place') and Outopia (Gr. 'no place'). It still serves us as the plausible yet imaginary model of hoped-for civilizations. In 1628, Sir Francis Bacon and his mentor Royal Mage John Dee projected an alternate history, New Atlantis, onto the frontier of America. They are the mystical 'Fathers' of America. New Atlantis is a scientist's Paradise where every kind of discovery and invention is put to the service of the happy people. These magical Reformation notions are essentially Hermetic-Qabalistic ideas, but the problems of the 16th and 17th Century are not those of the 21st.
Later, Oscar Wilde contended, "A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. And when Humanity lands there, it looks out, and seeing a better country, sets sail. Progress is the realization of Utopias." With foresight, he also quipped, "Preventive war is like committing suicide out of fear of death."
Before WWI, social engineers Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells first promoted utopian ideals, world government and "open conspiracy." Echoing Sir Francis Bacon's esoteric notions of a 'New Atlantis,' the British Fabian Socialist Society was organized around 1883 by George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, Sidney Webb, Annie Besant, and others. Bertrand Russell joined the organization sometime later. With fellow Fabian socialists, they adopted the long view -- tactics of delay and gradual penetration.
Wells is arguably a pioneer of future studies as demonstrated in Anticipations of the Reactions of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought and The Discovery of the Future. Attempting self-fulfilling prophecy, Wells created utopian-socialist visions in little-known works including A Modern Utopia (1905) and Men Like Gods (1923). In the Days of the Comet (1906) he resorted to changing human nature with personality-improving gases shed by a comet's tail, ushering in his Utopia of universal free love. Utopias promise a measure of meaning and autonomy in our lives. Yet, Wells wrote propaganda during WWI. Propaganda is about planting ideas of false conspiracies.
After World War I ended, members of Cecil Rhodes' Round Table Group met with The Inquiry, led by Colonel Edward Mandell House. Working with the Fabian Socialists, they established the Royal Institute of International Affairs and its American branch, the Council on Foreign Relations.
Leonard S. Woolf penned the influential Fabian Society tract International Government (1916), endorsing creation of an "international authority to prevent war". InThe World of William Clissold (1926), Wells turned to the idea of an "open conspiracy" spearheaded by multinational corporations. He foresaw how gradual extension of corporate power worldwide might entirely usurp the role of governments. What Wells had only anticipated is documented now in the work of the Trilateral Commission.
Russell advocated world government in The Impact of Science on Society. In 1928, the predictive writer Wells wrote The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. By then he had broken with the Fabians, not in terms of their goals, but only in believing that they should be open about their plan to synthesize western capitalism with eastern communism, and create a world socialist government.
In a later book titled The New World Order (1939), Wells said, "There will be no day of days... when a new world order comes into being. Step by step and here and there it will arrive, and even as it comes into being it will develop fresh perspectives.... Countless ... people will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it." United Nations "Agenda 21" from 1992 reiterates these ideas. It depicts the entire world, its people and resources, centrally organized under “world controls”. But Utopia remains what it is -- an idealized projection of unrealized or unrealizable human potential.
Millennial Hegemony
The problem is an ideal social order doesn't equate with global hegemony, once called Imperialism. One world government is a British-shaped scheme. What makes Wells's "Open Conspiracy" open, is not the execution of some secret masterplan, nor revealing the membership roster of some inner sanctum of the rich and powerful.
Global change agents know this is not the secret to power in the world. Power leverages our future shock and grief. The stages of grief are Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. They don’t always express themselves linearly in that order. They can cycle back and forth between the stages depending on the outside triggers of the process. We've been traded a Bill of Goods for the Bill of Rights. It's not much of a bargain.
As the social engineering shown above demonstrates, power lies in understanding that ideas, philosophy and culture control history. What constitutes a conspiracy, for good or evil, is a set of ideas which embody a concept of what it is to be human, and a conception of our role in universal history. Yet these are precisely the forces that led to the Cold War and today's Long Crisis. But this thinking is flawed in a fundamental way. From Stranger in a Strange Land to Star Trek, utopian ideals have remained more scifi carrots on a stick than realizable values.
The Millennial version is sold with 3-D movies, memes, disaster capitalism, sloganeering and phoney grassroots movements. Now utopian ideals like globalization, one world religion, depopulation and eugenics are mobilized against us. Universalist and Panpsychic sentiments are exploited for transnational corporate interests, as in the latest scifi blockbuster, Avatar. Panpsychism is an idealistic view -- a more ambitious notion of animism, in which all parts of matter involve mind -- composed of some form of mind with sentience.
They've fed us occulture, pop culture, cults, drugs and greedy consumerism as remedies for induced alienation, dissociation, dystopia and destabilization. The more electronically connected we are, the more disjointed our society becomes. Instead of socialism, we get sociopathy. Add high tech and we get highly technological sociopathy. Civilization does not equal Monsanto, Dow or Eli Lilly. Nor does the 'scientific' molding of populations into a World State.
Conspiracy Knowledge
A covert agenda was instituted to replace the overt global control of the deflated British Empire. To maintain British supremacy, the US was enlisted to fight its wars, pay its bills and strongarm the rest of the world. Germany, France and Russia were played against each other. Russell believed these aims could be accomplished through psychological warfare run by intelligence.
After WWII this hidden agenda and covert mission was largely turned over to the futurist globalist thinktank, Tavistock Institute, and its champions from Freud and Jung to its heir RAND Corporation. One of Tavistock's Directors, the guru of counterculture, Aldous Huxley, declared, "The future is the present projected."
Huxley framed our projected hopes and fears in Brave New World (1932), as an antidote to planless incoherence and the horror of the Wellsian Utopia. His transhuman vision and psychological conditioning has proven uncannily correct. Perennial Philosophy (1944) is mirrored in the New Age. His Doors of Perception (1954) swing so wildly, they smack us in the face. The challenge of futurists now is to avoid both utopian and apocalyptic forecasts.
Cultural Cold War
The tyranny of the One is that of the official, spin-doctored version of past and current events, and future potentials – the fabricated consensus. Conspiracy collides with Reality by exposing its naked underbelly. Like all trends and most news, conspiracy has been co-opted. Isn't co-opting conspiracy's oldest weapon, followed closely by willing somnambulism and tacit collusion?
Suppression and marginalization usually follow co-option, but in this case we simply become bored by conspiracy with its ubiquitous symbolism, rationalizations and minutiae. We are programmed to ignore such ideas, even when we acknowledge their large-scale dynamics. Penetrating to its core, we find a cancerous heart. Knowing hurts. Our individualism urges us to rebel against the conformity imposed by centralized power. Most people don't go looking for conspiracy until they find it somehow impacting their lives.
You no longer need to believe doomsday scenarios, be stockpiling gold, food and weapons or joining a militia to realize that the world according to mainstream media is largely propaganda and a sales job. There is no Consumer Utopia. Most of us probably recognize that, but the effects remain in effect.
When conspiracy theories stand up to scrutiny we accept them without astonishment as a fact of life, rather than the wild tales they once seemed. But we can't blithely dismiss them with a bland, "we know." Common truths are becoming more common. Repo men and crippling credit debt aren't fantasies.
The Pax Americana has not delivered. The 'liberal' and progressive Left is being calculatedly played against the Right. The fusion coalition (three distinct political-intellectual movements on the right: the neoconservatives or pro-Cold War social democrats and liberals, the religious right and the libertarians) survived the end of the Cold War, but not the presidency of George W. Bush.
What we are seeing now, in the second decade of the 21st century, is the rise of the Ayn Rand-inspired libertarian right, at the expense of the neocons and social conservatives. It was Rand's hatred of religion and her praise of selfishness that irked Buckley and the movement conservatives, who were more concerned about preserving what they saw as Western civilization from communism and relativism than with creating a free-market utopia.
Forbidden Knowledge
Suppression is a pre-emptive strike at forbidden knowledge. Conspiracy harbors the seductive promise of hidden knowledge. Yet, above all, conspiracy is a human rights issue. Policy and propaganda go hand in hand. Skepticism, not gullibility, makes us to look deeper. Conspiracy is not a folly of deranged thought but an explorative examination of the challenges that confront us and vie for our acceptance, including rule by deceit. If some of these theories evaporate under scrutiny, they also provide evolving narratives to frame unforeseen scenarios.
Denials cannot be taken at face value in an era when "plausible deniability" has become virtually unnecessary and meaningless. Control mechanisms are overt and relentless. Opinion poles and phoney grassroots "movements" are created to manipulate and channel dissent. We have met the enemy and it is "us," from terrorism to transhumanism, preying upon our own hopes and fears.
Collectively, the dynamic field of paranoia is the unconscious shadow condition of mass institutions. Paranoia is a disorder of meaning. Cognitive dissonance dwells somewhere between the ideal and the actual. Paranoia has become the background of our experience – the experiential ground. Is there any greater monomania than globalization at any human cost?
Our government is paranoid. It's tinfoil hat, HAARP, sits in Alaska on its crown. Trapped in its own greedy delusions, leadership is caught in the first trick of the collective unconscious: acting out its Shadow as The Shadow Government, the cryptocracy. The light and the dark meet in the Twilight Zone of liminality, which has its own Uncertainty Principle. Truth always hides just around the corner. Nothing is real in the imaginal world, or everything real is illusory. Things are not what they seem.
Suspiciousness based in experience is not paranoia. Paranoia is only unfounded or exaggerated distrust. In today’s volatile world, hell-bent on globalization, paranoia may simply be prudence – care, caution and good judgment. It is foresight, sagacity, insight, and informs us what appropriate actions are in any time and place. It is a survival mechanism – sound judgment in practical affairs. Prudence also implies caution (risk-mitigation), an understanding of first-principles and open-mindedness.
This is the paradox of our time – those accused of being paranoid are the only ones who are fit to judge certain issues, having bothered to acquaint themselves with all sides of each issue (circumspection). The problem with burdensome knowledge is, what are you going to do about it? That answer determines how radical you are, from depression to militancy. Today’s ‘paranoia,’ neither irrational nor delusional, originates in the erosion of civil rights by corruption. Political paranoia is not phobic. It is the only congruent existential response to the modern environment.
Once called “crazy” or “paranoid,” watchdogs willing to dig behind the obvious propaganda and put themselves at risk have been vindicated. Their accusers would probably balk at being called "stupid" or "greedy" for failing to "get it" sooner. Still, some say searching is ‘tilting at windmills,’ a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you go looking for something, chances are you will find it. But it is also a fact that many seemingly "unfortunate accidents" are quite contrived, in fact, engineered.
There is always dirt to dig up, beyond both the "official" and "cover up" theories and litany of the Triple K Assasinations (JFK, RFK, MLK) and 9/11. Perennial categories include such sweeping themes as End Times, The Occult, Suppressed and Forbidden History, Transnational Corporations, Zionism, Surveillance, Secret Societies, NWO, Suppressed Science, Mind Control, Food Control, Weather Control, Crypto-Eugenics, Superweapons, Intelligence "Dirty Tricks," Black Budget, Financial Crisis, Catastrophes, Drug War, Class War, War on Terror, and Exopolitics.
'Theory' is not a bad word. Most of our scientific notions are theories, or best-practice models of the ways in which things must work. All "conspiracy theories" are not created equal. Some are more alarmist or credible than others. For example, even if we have set foot on the Moon, that alone does not negate unrelated conspiracy theories. All that is conspiracy is not theoretical, as global government takeover has shown. The economic crisis is about power, not money.
There is plenty of credible evidence and plausible conclusions for those not programmed into tunnel vision or turning a blind eye to what is going on around them. Yet there are 'traditional' and 'liberal' conspiracy theories rooted more in lifestyle paradigms, values and expectations than consensus reality. Are there then patriotic and anarchistic conspiracies? We all operate from a worldview that conditions what we see and accept.
America was originally a colonization scheme -- the vision of New Atlantis. The web of power is a complex tapestry. Expansive and sinister schemes do exist. Most conspiracy stories are based on revisioned history, timelines and bullet points, each of which require careful examination, beyond mere 'belief.'
Despite suppression and cover stories, the truth about events such as Iran-Contra, biowarfare, and MK Ultra experimentation on civilians has come into the light. Deliberate propaganda is called 'disinformation' and may be disseminated by agent provacateurs. Truth is the only weapon against shared delusions. But how do we know what's right and how do we determine what's true when even consensus doesn't make it so? What does it mean to be independent in the appropriate fashion?
One Global Nation Under GOD
Civilization itself is a conspiracy. Gold, Oil and Drugs (GOD) reign supreme at the top of the foodchain. Anyone who knows the “usual suspects” – Bilderbergs, Trilaterals, and Bohemian Illuminati – needn’t cast their nets any further than the top of the hierarchal pyramid, the Banksters. The Illuminati conspiracy has taken on mythic dimensions with Masonry caught in its web.
But holographic power structures do control society at every level, each of which has its own truths and lies. It operates silently, secretively. In democracy the use of power therefore is always an abuse of power. Deleuze claims that a theory does not totalize; it is an instrument for multiplication and it also multiplies itself. It is in the nature of power to totalize and theory is by nature opposed to power.
Derrida speaks of pure sovereignty, the very “essence of sovereignty” (Rogues, p. 100). On the one hand, in order to be sovereign, one must wield power oneself, take responsibility for its use by oneself, which means that the use of power, if it is to be sovereign, must be silent; the sovereign does not have to give reasons; the sovereign must exercise power in secret. In other words, sovereignty attempts to possess power indivisibly, it tries not to share, and not sharing means contracting power into an instant — the instant of action, of an event, of a singularity.
The big takeover is over. Yet, even within the Plutocracy or oligarchy there are many competing globalist factions, including Mega-Drug Groups and other criminal enterprises. There is no single protagonist, no single ideology, nor overarching plot. Chaos crystallizes in the epic plot -- a struggle between good and evil which has taken on esoteric as well as religious overtones. Political extortion is terrorism.
Utopia is the vantage point from which we judge our society and find it wanting. It fires the imagination to see how things might be different. We are forced to see our way forward through blurry vision. The Utopian spirit has fizzled out. The perfect society remains a latent possibility, because we are inherently flawed. Therefore, Utopia is nowhere, yet NowHere as a measure of our pain at being separated from the visionary ideal. But who's ideal? Utopias are idiosyncratic. Even the New World Order was someone's grandiose utopian vision.
Escapist and mystical Utopias evade the problems of political life today. In a world that has run out of political ideas and no longer harbors any utopian visions, real political opposition is no longer possible. Along with the vision, we lose the passion, yearning and striving. Does the impulse move us forward or tighten our chains? We tend to think there is nothing we can do about it. Leftist intellectuals and critics no longer envision a different society, only a modified one. The left once dismissed the market as exploitative, but now honors it as rational and humane. Meanwhile, the free-market economy has failed of its own bloat.
The left used to disdain mass culture, but now celebrates it as rebellious. The left once rejected pluralism as superficial, but now resurrects pluralist ideas in the guise of multiculturalism. Even techno-utopian dreams have their dark side -- transhumanism, irradiation, mind control, frankenfood, etc. Video Games program children to be better soldiers. Electronics joins drugs as a soporific.
Perhaps the best-kept secret -- that the "Tavistock Agenda" generates the new-paradigm memes -- remains the main untold story of maniuplating thinktanks, academia and thought police. It is no theory that the Police have merged with Intelligence to form Fusion Centers. We find ourselves, therefore, in a suppressive, militarized state that can be oppressive.
An even more arcane tale is that of "Tavistock West," the tentacles of Tavistock in the United States that manipulates the polarized system from cradle to grave. Both the Left and the Right have their own orchestrated versions, from Militia, Born-Agains, Tea Parties and Birthers to New Agers, Disclosure, Ascension, Global Warming, Food Conspiracy and other eco- conspiracies.
Buzzwords like "2012," "Peak Oil" and "Climate Change" have created obfuscation designed to confuse the whole range of the political spectrum. Because we have learned to distrust authority, we all yearn to discover the Truth, even if the news is not good. "Shock and Awe" has come home to roost. And the biggest casualty is the U.S. Constitution.
Is politics over? Apathetic silence can also have a conspiratorial effect -- surrender. Such issues are far beyond the category of "Urban Legends," or mythic anthropological narratives. We have to be honest with our own biases and prejudices. We need new research criteria for connecting the dots. Some things are safer to believe than others.
Bursting Bubbles
A series of bursting financial bubbles is finally awakening the public. Yet, long-time investigators take little satisfaction that their seed-thoughts sown in the wilderness have finally taken root. We have moved from an era of spectator democracy, to globalization or ‘corporate feudalism’, into the institutionalization of World Government – the “New Atlantis” of the Draconian Utopia of full-spectrum dominance by the Powers That Be (PTB). No superpower has remained immune from the vast restructuring. But the formerly disbelieving public has become an apathetic herd, resigned to their fate so long as endless electronic gadgets continue to flow their way.
Widespread knowledge of the hidden agenda is literally a day late and a sliding dollar short, much like the naked stock shorting that led to the current debacle – the latest bursting bubble, in a long trail from S&Ls, to Real Estate, to Wall Street, to the Gold Rush, to the Security Economy. We’ve been reluctant to believe an in enemy whose devotion to killing us goes far beyond what our generation has ever known. Those who once drank the Kool Aid have now thrown it up again.
Revisionist History
As obvious now as Watergate, who could fail to doubt the truth of such once-rumored conspiracies as the Mafia, MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, Air America, Iran-Contra, COINTEL PRO, the Manhatten Project, Project Paperclip, Operation Northwoods, BCCI Scandal, Federal Reserve, Operation Gladio, or The Roundtable? Electoral coups and disappointed Hope have revealed that both parties serve the dark side of global politics.
Anyone doubting the effects of the Shadow Government can quickly get up to speed with a few Googles to more reliable sites. But, be careful, because Big Brother is watching in the full-surveillance society. Who you are, what you do, and who your family and friends are is carefully monitored, as well as your travel, buying habits, and financials.
Collective Psyche
Our collective aspirations are guided by archetypal fantasies. Our disenchantment and collective grief is arguably over loss of the world soul. The collective psyche points toward and guides us through the transition period we now face. New images are arising, reframing the future. Images have healing properties. They speak to us in our sleeping and waking dreams, forging shared stories relevant to everyone in the process as well as the Cosmos itself.
We cannot separate our psychophysical symptoms from the collective environment. There is a missing dimension in our worldview and mindscapes. We sense it, even though the market and media have attempted to drain all depth from our experience. Emergent events are not merely responses to economic and climatic conditions or social engineering, but eruptions of the collective unconscious.
Mobilized, the archetypal dynamics and creative forces of the collective psyche perturb psychosocial trends, creating new possibilities. Archetypes are the psychic skeleton fleshed out by events that matter. We can't keep our collective skeletons in the closet anymore. We can no longer charge the future to pay for our past. The marks have wised up and no longer trust the control systems.
What doesn't effect the Collective Psyche? Perhaps humanity has never faced more multi-dimensional challenges. We need to retrieve and upgrade our human survival technologies for our metamorphosis. Healing emerges from pathology. Edge artists are the shamans of the new millennium.
Maybe we are still addicted to the Hermetic myth of futurism when we need to live in the here and now. Like Hermes, the future is a perennial Trickster: this is what you want, this is what you get -- lowered expectations. Why do we hurry to live in the future? Futurism speculates about the unknown, robbing us of the present and its opportunities.
There is no quick cure for collective ills but we can find new metaphors, deeper meaning and more relevant stories. There is no therapy but moving forward creatively into the future, experimenting with solutions. Inspiration can emerge from infinite potential in any instant.
Participatory Wisdom
The only certain way to heal the personality or the world is getting to the source of wisdom. Collective consciousness is tied to the health of each individual. Healing power emerges from integration. Looking within, we arouse our tacit knowledge for participatory wisdom -- the active wisdom of the collective psyche.
The same patterns are at work in the individual and collective psyche, something ungraspable in the depths. Larger patterns are at work in the collective. Global awareness, multiculturalism and multinationalism are basic to the collective psyche. But we fear the loss of old boundaries. Is this our collective Borderline disorder, emphasizing relationship disturbances that challenge our beliefs about ourselves? Is it the source of our unremitting crisis and vulnerability?
Joy is the only antidote to anxiety. We need new models for creative art and science that move us beyond the nihilism of postmodernism into the transmodern era. The exhausted culture must die for the new to emerge from its ashes. The collective death-wish plays out in a myriad of ways. The psyche is not amenable to reduction. It cannot be contained or restricted.
The Collective Psyche is a reservoir of experiences. In Jungian psychology, the collective unconscious is a part of the unconscious mind, shared by our whole species, or a society, a people, or all humankind, that is the product of ancestral experience and contains such concepts as science, religion, and morality. Jung believed this uber-consciousness is the primitive source of archetypes or universal dynamics and symbolism found in legends, poetry, and dreams. Thus, art, including technoetics, has the capacity to reveal the collective psyche.
A world view is a set of presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the basic makeup of our world. Everyone has a world view, whether he can explain it or not. It can be likened to a pair of glasses through which one views the world. It is important to have the right prescription, or reality will be distorted. Modem man is faced with a supermarket of world views; all of them claim to represent reality, but they are points of view about reality -- mental constructs, beliefs.
EMERGENT PARADIGM: The new paradigm embraces chaos, complexity, emergent creativity and self-organization. We all participate in the evolution of consciousness, whether our transformations are conscious or unconscious. Conscious Evolution is the ethical, philosophical, intentional governance of human change and cultural engineering.
We can each conduct ourselves compassionately with spiritual responsibility for the health and unfolding of human progress. Thinking and behaving with creative intent, we form a graceful society, approaching our ideal, incorporating loving, harmonious methods also in harmony with nature. The post-metaphysical desire is to contribute to the spiritual fulfillment of all people. The needs of the many resonate with the needs of the one.
COMMITMENT TO TRUTH: What is our shared vision today? Shared visions arise from those truly committed to their personal visions. What is the true nature of this "reality" we are creating? Are we on purpose and achieving our collective destiny or has our country been hijacked by special interests? Why do we obsessively overwork, overspend, cover up, get aggressive and perpetuate sick organizations? How can we let go of our old national identity, pass through the 'neutral zone' and experience transforming rebirth? We need a paradigm that superimposes the new on the old. First comes a change in attitudes or worldview that embodies a different set of values in cultural rebirth.
CREATIVE STRATEGIES: How can we raise the bar? Shared vision uplifts our aspirations, gives us courage and ignites our spirit. It pulls us toward an overarching goal. It creates room for risk taking and experimentation by fostering long term commitment. We can extend principles and insights from personal mastery into the world of discipline, collective aspiration and shared commitment. The vision may come before its time is ripe, but we have to try, even to fail. We need a transition plan or crisis and confusion will arise. We can look to the past to get to the root of the problem.
Government by Secret Society
SYNARCHY describes a global occult conspiracy of politicized occult doctrine, designed to culminate in the Draconian Utopia -- SYNTROPIA. Synarchy is a mystical doctrine concerning a historical conspiracy -- enlightened oligarchy. The world is a conspiracy controlled by a powerful core group of individuals as counterpoint to global anarchy (Eco's "mystical collectivists". At the end of Foucault’s Pendulum (1988) evil triumphs. Neocons do behave like the "mythical" synarchists; and they have direct personal connections to "historical" synarchists - who, it is claimed, were very active in pre-fascist and fascist Europe.
... Synarchy is God [...] Mankind can't endure the thought that the world was born by chance, by mistake, just because four brainless atoms bumped into one another on a slippery highway. So a cosmic plot has to be found - God, angels, devils. Synarchy performs the same function on a lesser scale ...
Synarchism is a term which generally refers to a conservative political philosophy focused on solving economic, political, and social problems that are perceived to be precipitating anarchy. Viewing society as an organic unity, synarchists aim to a create a synarchy – a harmonious society where a corporatist government defends social differentiation and hierarchy by encouraging collaboration between social classes in order to transcend conflict between social and economic groups. Its critics and opponents argue that synarchism is particularly associated with anti-anarchism, anti-communism, cooptation, elitism, fascism, technocratism, and even occultism.
Beyond this general definition, however, both "synarchism" and "synarchy" have been used to describe several different political processes in various contexts. Increasingly, the terms have been used by conspiracy theorists as pejorative synonyms for cryptocracy. Some conspiracy theorists use the word "synarchy" to describe a shadow government, a form of government where political power effectively rests with a secret elite, in contrast to an "oligarchy" where the elite is or could be known by the public.[5] For example, Lyndon LaRouche, leader of a controversial movement on the political fringe,[6][7] describes a wide-ranging historical phenomenon, starting with Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre and the Martinist Order followed by important individuals, organizations, movements and regimes that are alleged to have been synarchist, including the government of Nazi Germany.[8] He claims that during the Great Depression an international coalition of financial institutions, raw materials cartels, and intelligence operatives, installed fascist regimes throughout Europe (and tried to do so in Mexico) to maintain world order and prevent the repudiation of international debts.[9] LaRouche identifies U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney as a modern "synarchist", and claims that "synarchists" have "a scheme for replacing regular military forces of nations, by private armies in the footsteps of a privately financed international Waffen-SS-like scheme, a force deployed by leading financier institutions, such as the multi-billions funding by the U.S. Treasury, of Cheney's Halliburton gang.
French writer Joseph-Alexandre Saint-Yves (1842-1910) was a self-educated occultist and political philosopher whose works promoted the establishment of a form of government called ‘Synarchy’. He taught that the body politic should be treated like a living creature, with a ruling spiritual and intellectual elite as its brain (can you spell Tavistock?) To Saint-Yves, these superior beings were the true authors of Synarchy, and for thousands of years Agharta had “radiated” Synarchy to the rest of the world, which in modern times has chosen foolishly to ignore it. When the world adopts Synarchical government the time will be ripe for Agharta to reveal itself.
“Synarchic” describes the nature of the planetary management system. Saint-Yves d’Alveydre developed his concept of Synarchy in the late 1800s. Since Saint-Yves’ concept is most closely aligned with a management system of the planetary management organization. Synarchy relates to management of a global minimal-regret population. Synarchy ideology, a politicized form of Rosicrucian dogma. Synarchy advocated government by secret society - an elite of enlightened initiates who rule from behind the scenes. This found expression through the writings of Joseph Saint-Yves d'Alveydre, which called for the infiltration of "the three key pillars of society... political and social institutions, economic institutions, and religious institutions".
Synarchy was opposed to ideas of democracy and social equality, as only the Synarchists were the "natural leaders". While the economic and political power of 21st Century Synarchy spin doctors such as Sir Laurence Gardner and Prince Nicholas de Vere is narrow, their esteemed position and knowledge within occult circles will almost certainly reach many with genuine clout: namely high level Freemasons and Rosicrucians within the corporate-military-industrial complex. While most of the world naively believes democracy has truly replaced feudalism, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, with majority ownership of stocks, bonds and real estate, and even the 2000 American Presidential elections, proves the contrary. The richest 254 people in the world own more wealth than 47% of the global population.
Right-wing conspiracy theorists mistakenly believe the goal of the secret societies is a One World Utopia, or Global Socialist State, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Synarchy's "Global Village" will be ruled by the fascism, and are the enemies of a truly democratic and open World Unity or Global Village. "Dark Lords from their Castles of Darkness"; reigning supreme, uncontested, and as the past has shown, plotting to starve the poor to feed the rich, while a divided middle-class competes for the scraps--a historical socio-political model that is the norm in most developing countries. Undemocratic and inaccessible political and economic organizations - whether ultra-conservative "think-tanks" or globalization commissions - ultimately harness the methodology of control.
LaR - http://www.larouchepac.com/node/554
The following passage is taken from Volume 26 (A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science, Part 1) of the Complete Works (Prosveta, Paris, 1990; from a speech given in Vidélinata, Switzerland, March 17, 1974). (Today, Saint-Yves’ description of Agarttha, and in particular its library, would generally be referred to as the Akasha Chronicle, and his or others’ revelation would be described as a reading of the Akashic Records.)
I am offering you the same culture as that which exists in Agharta. I have never been in a position to reveal it fully because I know that if I divulged it, it would seem so remote, so unthinkable, that I would be in danger of being locked up. I assure you, if I were to say all that I know I would soon find myself in an asylum. This is why I dare not reveal certain things to you. But it is all here, in my head and, little by little, I am leading you into this world of Initiatic truths. In any case, if you are honest, you cannot help but admit that everything I have revealed to you so far has been true. I leave you free, therefore, to do as you wish.
But one thing is absolutely true, and that is that I am bringing you an entirely new culture. The Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood has the mission to introduce the philosophy of Agharta into the world. There is a tradition that after Râma had established the Golden Age on earth, he went to live in Agharta. Many other great spirits such as Buddha,
I can tell you about how the Aghartans live, how they are bom and how they understand love. They know how precious sexual energy is, for instance, so, instead of squandering it, they use it to rise to greater heights of perfection and become divinities. As a matter of fact, the true doctrine of Tantra-yoga, which is so widely known in
The science of the Aghartans also includes the most advanced discoveries of physics. They are capable of seeing and controlling all that happens on earth. In fact, if they wanted to, they could unleash the power of the four elements and wipe out the whole of humanity. Fortunately, they are too peace-loving and much too highly evolved to do so. It is also very likely that flying saucers, whose existence is no longer in doubt, come not from other planets but from the center of the earth via the North or South Pole. Many observers in the
In any case, the Aghartans have some extraordinary means of transport and it is particularly interesting to note that it was in 1945, after the atomic bomb that wiped out
To be sure, quite a number of pilots have tried to pursue their flying saucers but they are surrounded by a magnetic field that makes them invulnerable: if they are pursued by a plane, they can throw out rays that make its engines cut out. They always work with light. Their source of power is light, and it is with this that they neutralize all hostile forces. They apply the Initiatic rule that it is light that must be our protection against harmful elements. Before very long, human beings will begin to discover many of their secrets.
I have been telling you this for years: the only thing you must study is light, for light is all-powerful. Science has recently discovered the power of the laser, but there are many more discoveries to be made. One day, all the revelations I have made to you will be recognized and published at large. So far, they have not been taken seriously because they have not been confirmed by orthodox science. Instead of sensing their authenticity inwardly, instead of touching them, as it were, with their soul and spirit, human beings are so over-intellectual that they prefer to wait for the verdict of science before believing even the greatest truths. But, I repeat: sooner or later, all that I reveal to you in my lectures will be scientifically proved. This is already beginning, in fact, with experiments that are being made in
As I have said, I am interested in Agharta from a philosophical point of view, because of the pattern of organization, government and collective life it presents. We, too, should work for the collectivity with the same disinterestedness and the same tireless love as the Aghartans so as to form a single family on earth, so that there shall be no more boundaries, no more war, no more poverty. When this is achieved, the interests of individuals will be protected. In a prosperous, healthy collectivity, each individual member also thrives, whereas, if only a handful of individuals prosper within a collectivity riddled by poverty and dissension, they will always be at risk, for their prosperity is not built on anything firm and lasting. This is why, when we see that every individual is interested only in his own well-being and cares nothing for that of others, we can be sure, in advance, that is an unstable situation. If human beings would only make effort to forget about themselves a little more and devote themselves to the good of the collectivity, the interests of every individual would be protected. For the good of the individual is in the good of the whole. This is why I keep telling you that you don't know where your own best interest lies; your behavior proves this and, sooner or later, it will be your downfall.
The life of the collectivity surrounds, dominates and rules us. We can never be free and independent of it. This means that you must stop trying to find a comfortable little niche for yourself because it can never be anything more than a stop-gap. Unfortunately, human beings are still a long way from this expanded consciousness. They are like insects: as soon as something goes wrong they scuttle off into their little hiding places thinking that they will be safe there. Well, that is fine, it is something that we have inherited from the insects, but surely we are capable of changing just a little. To be sure, human beings have already made progress where the collectivity is concerned, but not enough: they continue to massacre each other. Their consciousness has expanded slightly, that is true, but the situation has not really changed much. In the past, one man would be killed where, today, millions are killed at one stroke. That is progress for you! Ah, yes; human beings have made great progress. They have built much bigger towns, for instance, but their inner nature is unchanged: each person remains isolated in his own little hole. They are still 'troglodytes' just as they have always been: isolated, divided and hostile.
The solutions men need must be sought on a higher level, in the spirit, in light. As long as they keep trying to solve their problems without that light, even the most far-reaching political and social transformations will never be truly effective for they will always contain the germ of a personal interest which runs contrary to the collective interest and which will end by contaminating all the rest. Men must consult that eternal wisdom that the Aghartans consult and that I myself always consult, and it will show them what to do. As it is, even the Church doesn't consult this higher wisdom; it has substituted its own interests for the interests of the Lord. This is why the prophecies of
I know very well that, because of this, the system that I bring you has no chance of being either understood or applied. In fact, if certain authorities realized that our Teaching was based on the synarchy, they would be quite capable of trying to close us down. They hate the synarchy! But conditions are going to change and, before long, no one will be able to stop these truths from spreading. No one! The Age of Aquarius is coming closer and bringing with it its Teaching of the collectivity.
The synarchic order will be established and will prove itself. Every system has to prove itself and, when it turns out to be ineffective, is replaced by another and then another, and so on. This is how men grope their way forward until, eventually, they find the right solutions. In reality, instead of continuing with an endless succession of painful and very costly experiments, it would be possible for men immediately to adopt a system that has been in existence for thousands of years. Unfortunately, at the moment, everyone wants to experiment and discover the great truths for himself. True, this is one way of doing it. Eventually, everyone will reach his goal this way, but it will take a very long time - hundreds if not thousands of years. The Creator has given all human beings the same ability to arrive at the truth, but the time that this takes is not the same for all. Those who accept to be instructed and guided by a Master save themselves a great deal of time, expense and suffering, whereas those who refuse this rapid and effective means will arrive at the same truths but thousands of years later. They prefer to tread a lone path; they want to be free and refuse to submit to or follow anyone else and, although they will eventually reach their goal, it will take them a very long time.
This attitude is particularly prevalent amongst intellectuals. Every now and then, one finds an exception to the general rule, but they are rare. I myself am one of those exceptions. Fortunately for me,
In a few years from now some very important discoveries will be made. The only question is whether there will be enough human beings capable of understanding and feeling them and putting them into effect in their lives. It says in the Bible that everything will be revealed at the end of time. And this time is near. Of course, when it says 'the end of time', we must not imagine that it means the end of the world. The end of the world has already been announced time and again - even the date has been specified - and people have been struck with terror and prepared to die. And then the fateful day arrived and passed ... and the world went on as usual. Occasionally some minor upheaval occurred, but the world continued to go round. Mankind will never completely disappear. Human beings are tough, don't worry! They can survive anything. But there is no doubt that there will soon be all kinds of upheavals and changes and that it will be the end of an era. In his book, Beasts, Men and Gods, Ossendowski tells of how, one evening, he was with a caravan of camels, crossing a great plain in
Try to understand what I am telling you: above is the New Jerusalem, the Ierouschalaïm Hadascha of which
In the preceding description, Aivanhov makes reference to the lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. For more on these, see Rudolf Steiner, Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man (several chapters from the Akasha Chronicle), available on the Internet at http://www.elib.com/Steiner/Books/ (written in 1904, 1981 edition by Harper and Row). These continents are associated with some of the five root races (or epochs) of man, viz., the Polareans, the Hyperboreans, the Lemurians, the Atlanteans, and the Aryans (the current, or fifth, root race – which includes all people now on the planet, i.e., the entire species of Homo sapiens).
After writing the preceding part of this article last weekend, I came across an article written by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, authors of The Stargate Conspiracy. It is entitled “The Rise of the Rough Beast,” and was adapted from a lecture given at the Saunière Symposium, Conway Hall,
Synarchy was founded in the early 1870s by Joseph Alexander Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1824-1909). This was a period in which many new political ideas were taking hold. Like many of a conservative mind, Saint-Yves was alarmed by the rise of Anarchy, and he developed Synarchy specifically in order to counter it. Whereas Anarchy believes that the state should have no authority over the life and behavior of an individual, Synarchy took quite the opposite view. In other words, the more control the state has over the individual the better. This, as you can imagine, was an idea held an attraction for many.
Essentially, Synarchy advocates government by secret society – or, in its own terms, by an elite of enlightened initiates who rule from behind the scenes. It therefore doesn’t matter which political party holds power in a state – or even what political system that state has. Synarchists would step in and take control of the key state institutions. St-Yyes identified three key pillars of society that, once under the control of his elite, would allow them to rule without the population even being aware of their existence. These were the political and social institutions, the economic institutions and the religious institutions.
Although Synarchy can therefore rule in any kind of state, for obvious reasons it finds itself more at home among totalitarian regimes (power is held by less people, and the ruling regime doesn’t change as often as in a democracy). It has therefore always attracted a greater following from the right. Synarchy is totally opposed to ideas of democracy and social equality, as it believes that some people – i.e., Synarchists – are natural leaders.
However, Synarchy as devised by St-Yves was not a purely political movement. St-Yves was active in the esoteric world of 19th century
St-Yves believed in the existence of spiritually superior beings that could be contacted telepathically. His elite would be made up of people who were in communication with them. He himself claimed that he was in touch with these beings, and that they actually gave him the principles of Synarchy.
Saint-Yves drew upon many esoteric systems, from both East and West, in developing his ideas. For example, he regarded the medieval Knights Templar as the ultimate Synarchists of their day – after all, they exerted control over the political, financial and religious life of medieval
Consequently, Saint-Yves incorporated ideas from the many neo-Templar societies that were flourishing in his day. In particular, he borrowed from a Templarist Masonic society, the Strict Templar Observance, the concept of Unknown Superiors – a group who directed the order but whose identity remained unknown to the members. However, he expanded this concept and made his ‘unknown superiors’ spiritually advanced beings that lived in a remote part of
Although Saint-Yves himself is hardly known in this country, he was incredibly influential in the development of 19th century occultism. For example, he was the person who introduced the concept of Agartha, the mysterious underworld realm peopled by initiates hidden somewhere in
Saint-Yves’ doctrines included ideas about the evolution and history of the human race that were, at the time, novel, but which have since become commonplace in Esoteric and New Age circles. Central to his reconstruction of history was Atlantis as an advanced, global civilization. He believed that the Sphinx was not built by the ancient Egyptians, but was created by the Atlanteans many thousands of years before the rise of
St Yves also promoted the idea of root races – a succession of dominant races each allocated a period of supremacy, but each destined to be supplanted by the next, superior race. It should come as no surprise to learn that the current dominant race is the white Aryans. [This example of “root race” is incorrect. The Aryan root race is comprised of all human beings currently on the planet, i.e., the entire species Homo sapiens.]
It must be stressed that it is impossible to separate Saint-Yves’ version of history from his political ideology. The history is used to justify the ideology and vice versa. Also, his version of history was the result of ‘revealed’ information – it lacked any historical or archaeological proof. For his followers, accepting these ideas was a simple act of faith.
All these ideas have become, of course, part and parcel of subsequent occult beliefs, mainly because they were taken up, embellished and popularized by Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891), that larger-than-life Russian magus – some call her a charlatan – whose love affair with the mysteries of the East led to her founding the Theosophical movement. These concepts were, in turn, incorporated into the teachings of Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949), which have had a huge influence over the beliefs of the New Age – and on the development of the Stargate Conspiracy.
But perhaps more significantly as far as this article is concerned is that some of Saint-Yves specific ideas appear in the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce. For example, Saint-Yves, in his reconstruction of history, describes a great Celtic warrior named Ram, who conquered the ‘degenerate’ black races in 7700 BC. According the Saint-Yves, it was the superhero Ram who created the first Synarchist Empire, which extended from
Of course, the idea that the world should be run by secret societies went down particularly well with… well, secret societies. Consequently, many of them adopted Synarchist principles. In fact, St-Yves’ ideas transformed the esoteric underground of
Another important movement that became closely associated with Synarchy was Martinism. Although this predated St-Yves by several decades, the principles of the two were very close – St-Yves was himself a member of the Martinist Order, so there was a lot of cross-fertilization of ideas.
This is interesting because in our last book, The Templar Revelation, we traced the connection between the Martinist Order and other secret societies that make up a network of groups, all ultimately descended from the Strict Templar Observance, which includes the Priory of Sion. It is now becoming clear that an understanding of Synarchy can shed light on the origins and activities of the modern Priory of Sion – but that’s another story...
By the beginnings of the 20th century, the Martinist Orders – and many others – were firmly aligned with the ideology of Synarchy. In 1921 the Martinist and Synarchist Order was founded in
However, Synarchy has not only had influence over the occult world, but also over politics.
As we have seen, Synarchy outlined a specific program for the take-over of states. But Saint-Yves’ aims went much further than that – he wanted the whole of
This continued to be a central objective of Synarchy. In fact, a Synarchist document published in the 1930s refers to one of their key aims as being ‘the formation of a federal European Union.’ It advocated a United States of Europe – although it would be a
As we saw earlier, Synarchy favours undemocratic and totalitarian regimes – they are, after all, easier to gain control of. And there is a definite connection between Synarchist groups and the origins of Fascism in
An organization called the International Synarchist Movement was created in response to the Russian Revolution of 1919. According to French researchers, this was largely behind the rise of Fascism in
As might be expected, Synarchy also had some influence on the development of Nazi ideology, although Synarchists had reservations about the Nazis emphasis on German nationalism and the Messianic cult of Hitler.
Synarchy continued to thrive in Saint-Yves’ native
The point is that Synarchy was taken very seriously by French authorities in the 1930s and 40s. The term has entered the French political vocabulary (although the French press often use the term ‘synarchy’ to refer to any political or economic conspiracy, such as price-fixing cartels).
After the War, Synarchy adopted a lower profile, but it is still very active. In fact, in recent years Synarchist groups have begun to act more openly both in
(1) Picture Imperfect: Utopian Thought for an Anti-utopian Age, Russell Jacoby, Columbia University Press, 2005 |
(2) Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions, Frederic Jameson, Verso 2005 |
(3) The loss of utopia, Guardian, Dylan Evans, 27 October 2005 |
(4) Altered State: The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House, Matthew Collin, Serpent's Tail, 1998, p301 |
(5) Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions, Frederic Jameson, Verso 2005, 233 |
(6) The Utopian Vision of Charles Fourier, Jonathan Cape, 1975 |
(7) City of the Sun, by Tommaso Campanella. Download a copy here |
(9) New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon. Download a copy here |
(11) 'A modern utopia', in The Quest for Utopia, (ed) Negley and Patrick, McGrath, 1971, p236 |
(13) Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions, Frederic Jameson, Verso 2005, p14 |
(15) News from Nowhere and Other Writings, William Morris, Penguin, 1998 |
(16) Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions, Frederic Jameson, Verso 2005, p15 |
(17) 'Freeland', in The Quest for Utopia, (ed) Negley and Patrick, McGrath, New York, 1971 |
(22) Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Progress Publishers, 1970, Frederick Engels. Download a copy here |
(23) 'A modern utopia', in The Quest for Utopia, (ed) Negley and Patrick, McGrath, 1971, p230 |
(24) The Story of Utopias, Lewis Mumford, New York: Boni and Liveright, 1922, p307 |
(25) Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Progress Publishers, 1970, Frederick Engels. Download a copy here |
(26) The Story of Utopias, Lewis Mumford, New York: Boni and Liveright, 1922, p307 |
(29) The End of Utopia: Politics and Culture in an Age of Apathy, Russell Jacoby, New York: Basic Books, 1999, xi |